Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Now to just sit back and wait on the results. . . Ugh. . .


Anonymous said...

I know we didn't vote the same way but I am so glad that we got out there and exercised our right to vote. We both care about this country, we just disagree on the way to fix our ills. You and I are proof that you can disagree and remain civil and even be bloggy friends!

Jenny said...

Amen, Sister! I went to Goodwill witht he kiddos earlier and overheard some folks chit-chattin' about voting. "You vote today?" "Nope(as she blissfully shakes her hair)." "Me neither." Like it was something they don't do every day. I'm just hoping they haven't pro-created. Oops, did I just say that?

Take care, Dingo!

Julie said...

I'm going, too! Still waiting for hubby and daughter to get home....
not being patient, either...
Three more votes for McCain!!!