Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rotary cutter accident. . .

The scene of the crime. . .
I was cutting fabric for E's quilt and accidently (duh!) ran the rotary cutter down the outside of my left pinky finger half an hour ago. It's quit thumping and stinging for the most part, but YOWZA, what a thing to do. And you know, I'm not really looking forward to cutting more fabric for this quilt. lol Hubby called to tell me he saw a bunch of Menonite buggies at a church and wished he had had a camera. Wouldn't that have been a lovelier vision on a Sunday morning?

But Hubby wouldn't have gotten this. . .
I had B bring me the ointment and knee-size bandaid to cover my wound and she immediately sat down and drew this for me. It made me cry even more. Still does. Makes me wonder how much longer I'll have this sweet, thoughtful girl making her Momma pictures for mishaps.
Going to rest my pinky. . . Ever heard that one before? Maybe it will get me out of doing dishes. Need to hide the rubber gloves.


Rising Rainbow said...

I have done this. Those rotary cutters can be ruthless.